Posted in Action Plans

January/February 2017 Action Plan

Here is a list of my initial action plan for January and February, as of 16/01/17:

  1. Continue to regularly update my showcase blog (try to change or add something everyday). (ongoing as of 12/09/16)
  2. Keep up to date with the Pick n Mix computing modules on BlackBoard (completed E-Safety and modules 1,2, 3 and 4)
  3. Find some useful resource websites for future use (ongoing as of 16/09/2016)
  4. Continue to explore useful apps such as Aurasma (downloaded 23/09/2016), Coaches Eye, Decide Now! (downloaded 29/09/2016, blog added 20/02/17), Jolly Phonics (downloaded 27/09/2016 and blog created), Decibel 10th (downloaded 27/09/2016 and mentioned in blog).
  5. Upload a blog on Sexting (completed on 17/02/17)
  6. Complete the compulsory module: Teaching Internet Safety (completed 18/09/16, blogs completed on 20/02/17)
  7. Upload a blog on how computing can help children with SEND (completed 17/02/17)

Below is my full action plan which will be regularly updated:

Name: Chloe S Tutor: MK
Computing/ICT Qualifications/Experience

General use of Microsoft Office.

Popular apps such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Year 9 ICT lessons mainly focussing on Excel and Publisher.

PGCE Computing audit revealed these priorities·      Need to improve my skills and knowledge surrounding physical programming devices used in schools e.g. Bee-Bots, programming language, e.g. Scratch and computer networks e.g. working of search engines.

·      Improve my knowledge and skills regarding coding and apps.

·      The ability to integrate computing into lesson plans across the curriculum and how they can be utilised effectively.

·      Identifying areas to extend and support children on their computing knowledge and skill.

Action I will take in January and February Date Completed
  • Explore apps such as Decide Now! Garage Band and Aurasma on the i-pad
  • Continue to work through Pick and Mix modules to further my knowledge and understanding of the curriculum.
  • Keep a bank of useful websites for computing lessons and my own development.
  • Update/edit my blog regularly to continually develop my knowledge and understanding of blogs.
  • Explore apps that are useful for KS1 to prepare for FPP
Decide now! (20/02/17)


Completed Pick n Mix Module 5 (29/01/17)


Ongoing (as of 12/09/16) and evidenced on blog.

Ongoing (as of 12/09/16)



Action I will take on FPP Date Completed
·       Introduce aspects of computing in core curriculum lessons and evaluate its effect on the lesson

·       Explore algorithms without the use of computer within PE or English, so children understand the concept

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